Winter Storm Avery Hits Shawnee

The Shawnee courtyard in the aftermath of Winter Storm Avery. Photo credits: Erika Adamson

On Thursday, November 14, Shawnee High School transformed into an early winter wonderland when Medford, New Jersey got its first snowfall of the year, an unexpected result of Winter Storm Avery.

For many students, the three inches of snow was a welcome visitor. Both freshmen and seniors alike swarmed to windows throughout the school to watch the falling snow. At one point rumors even spread that students would be able to leave school early, although they were later proven to be untrue. Still, many enjoyed the beauty and wonder of the unexpected snowfall.

However, not everyone was excited about the inclement weather. In addition to the cold temperatures and overall inconvenience, many young drivers were anxious about their first time driving in icy and snowy conditions.

Superintendent Dr. Birnbohm shared several winter driving tips with new drivers and parents over LRHSDnotification at around 12:30 pm. The same strategies shared by Mr. Campbell over the announcements at the end of the day:

Take your time – It is never good to rush, and even worse to speed when the roads are snow covered, icy or wet.  Plan extra time in your commute and drive slowly.

Take care of your car. Clear all the snow or slush off your car: hood, roof and all of the windows, not just the windshield. Required by law, It improves visibility and safety. Make sure your car is warm and fully defrosted before you drive it.

​Use extra caution while driving – Pay attention to the changing conditions from plowed or treated roads to untreated roads.  Follow at a safe distance behind the car in front of you; allow for extra time to stop.

Never text and drive and, of course, always wear your seat belt. The precipitation had been forecasted to change into rain before the end of the day, but it was still snowing when the final bell rang. All after-school activities canceled. Please check with your club advisors to see when meetings have rescheduled. Also, for more information about driving safely during the winter, please visit